Welcome to the Home Page of

Bjorn Apiaries

Certified Breeder of Northern Queens and Bees.

Your Mason Bee Provider for 10+ years!




Our most important employee......Mother Nature! Our business model involves taking out the 10-20% of the weakest genetics every year. Our no pesticide or mite treatment IPM approach allows a better, stronger genetic pool moving forward.

Welcome to the Home Page of

Bjorn Apiaries

(Please Follow Us on Facebook!)

Package Pick-up as follows:

Saturday April 5th - 4pm-8pm

Sunday April 6th. 8am to 11am.

NOTE: Please pick up your bees at the earliest date time possible. We hope to wrap things up Sunday.

Address: 180 Century Lane Dillsburg, Pa. 17019


2025 packages now available. $127.00 plus tax. Bulk/Group discounts available. See the "2025 package" page for additional details.  

Honey Bee  and stinging insect removal: Please click on the "Bee & Swarm Removal" page.   


* Fundraising Opportunities - Click Here



* Book your group for a farm tour and

  bee talk for 2025







Looking for local raw honey?

Click Here

Bjorn Products & Services


Honey Bees:  (Click Here)

     Packages (Click Here)

     Nucs colonies

     Starter hives  (Click Here)



Fundraising Opportunities (Click Here)


Group Tours of the Farm - Ckick here

        (Full Calendar on Beekeepers Outpost Page)

      *Open House(s)

      * Scout Jamboree Day

      * Honey Harvest Day

      * National Honey Bee Day



Beekeeping Equipment  (Click Here)

      Swarm Lures

      Top Bar Hives


Mason Bees:  (Ckick Here)

     Filled Tubes

     Starter Homes

     Replacement Tubes



Environment Support items:

     Flowers Seeds


     Natural Deer/Animal Repellant



Educational Classes:  (Click Here)

     Sustainable Beekeeping 

     Queen Rearing 


Products of the Hive:  (Click Here)

     Local Raw Honey



     Pollen  (Click Here)

     Gift Baskets


Gift Certificates


Inspection Services:  (Click Here)


Pollination service:  (Click Here)

Bjorn Apiaries is a family owned and operated honey bee business, located in southcentral Pennsylvania.


Our operation is focused on maintaining bees and providing mating stock from overwintered nucs and hives, and void of harsh mite treatments and chemicals. All of our bees overwinter in Pennsylvania. 

Honey and beehive products are produced with a licensed state honey house certificate of inspection. 

Bjorn Apiaries provides a host of services centered around helping beekeepers in a more natural way of maintaining hives. We have experience with traditional Langstroth hives, Warre hives, Top Bar Hives, Two Queen Tower systems, various comb options, as well as an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program to foster healthier hives.


Please Note:

The pages of this website are filled with our opinions, advice, observations, and experiences. We did not make this site out to be filled with research, other beekeepers experiences, or filled with book filler and academia type data to impress you. All information is from our own collected beekeeping experiences here at Bjorn Apiaries. EVERY picture is from a Bjorn Apiary location. You may not agree with everything we say. And that is ok. The intent of this site is to be honest, while passing on information from another beekeeper who wants to help others enjoy the fascinating world of BEEKEEPING!.

We invite beekeepers as well as anyone wanting to get started in beekeeping to contact us for a visit to one of our yards. There is always something going on within the bee community.


Please scan the pages of this website for details on classes, information on various types of beekeeping, as well as services and products that we offer. Do not hesitate to contact us with any comments or suggestions.

If you have any questions, please click here. We spend a considerable amount of time helping new beekeepers with questions and working out problems. While we do try to reply in a timely manner, there is a busy season, and of course sometimes we are simply away on business or pleasure. Thank you.
Have bee questions? Have a facebook page? Connect with PennApic and other beekeepers across the country and around the world. CLICK HERE for the PennApic facebook page.

Do you sometimes not know what to say, how to explain, or make suggestions to farmers and homeowners in regards to impacts on bees? Click here. This page is provided by the Pa. Backyard Beekeepers' Association. It explains some issues affecting bees, the details behind the problem, and perhaps a good way to pass along some information. 

Members of:


Pennsylvania Apiculture Inc.....


Home to:


Pennsylvania Backyard Beekeepers Association



Actual Visitors Since 10-10-10
