Platform feeding away from the hive
Using boardman style feeders, or simply placing jars on top of two thin wood strips, we place the feeders away from the hive on a platform or picnic table. We normally use this type of feeding starting in August in preparation of the fall flow.
The benefits include:
* Simulates a flow. Anytime honeybees have to leave the hive to collect feed, it simulates a flow.
* Stimulates the queen to start laying. In the north, we need about 60 days of fall brood production for adequate clustering numbers throughout winter. If you wait until the fall flow to start, many times in the beginning of September, you run the risk of a short fall brood cycle as it turns cold in October. The bees raised in the fall brood cycle are the bees that will carry the hive through till spring.
* Feeders can be filled in the early morning without disturbing the hive.
*Maximizes the ability of each hive to collect what they can process. This allows each hive to be productive, and then allows the beekeeper to manipulate frames as needed.
* No robbing of individual hives if only feeding individual hives.