Allergies and Beneficial Products from the Bee Hive
If you have allergies from pollen based triggers, please consider purchasing local raw honey from a well known beekeeper in your area. Many have found allergy relief from taking a teaspoon of honey everyday. And this is better than some alternatives, including for some, weekly or monthly trips to the doctor for shots.
Keys to the best honey for your allergies:
1) It must be raw. This means it must not be finely filtered or, heated. You want honey that retains it's beneficial pollen, enzymes, and natural properties.
2) It should be produced within a reasonable distance to allow it to be called "local". For honey, that distance is about 50 miles. While plants species are the same over many states, the plants producing the pollen (which is what causes the allergies in the first place), may produce slightly different pollen. Pollen from aster collected in Tennessee will be different from pollen produced in New York, even with the same plants.
3) To be effective, the honey must contain the pollen that is causing the allergies. Buying local honey produced out of season to which your allergies are based, is not effective. The best honey is a blended honey found by such labels as "Spring Time Blossom" or "Wild-Flower Honey".
4) The relief of allergies by taking locally produced honey usually takes at least 30 days. What you are doing is slowly desensitizing your reactions to the pollen causing the problems. So do not expect to see major relief in just a few days.
As with all such endeavors, proceed with caution. And seeking medical advice is sometimes best. Below is a handout that is worth reading. Please note...about 20% of allergy sufferers see major relief of their allergies just by taking local honey.