Why Bjorn Honey?
* Most fundraisers are focused on subs, pretzel sandwiches, pizza, and even outdated candles. Some involve candies and nuts in small increments that are frequently over-priced. Local natural honey offers a unique product with a high return.
* Honey can be given away as a gift. And it can be stored long term, and never goes bad.
* Selling Bjorn honey supports local agriculture and the beekeeping industry. Bjorn Apiaries 100% natural honey is locally produced by beneficial honey bees. Your fundraising efforts supports the beekeeping industry and overall environment.
* Honey is a safe product that almost everyone uses.
* Profit per unit is larger than most other fundraising products.
* There is no pressure to hand-out orders on a particular day seen with other products. Honey is non-perishable making fundraising scheduling, pickup, very easy, and flexible.